[bcel] 6.3 release need awareness
Martin Muller
2018-10-16 11:48:01 UTC
Hi developers.

We from www.alfresco.com<http://www.alfresco.com> are currently updating from Java 8 to Java 11. We are relying strongly on JIBX for binding XML files to Java objects. There was a problem with the BCEL lib which was fixed in
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BCEL-304?devStatusDetailDialog=repository and would be part of the 6.3 release.
Are there any plans for releasing 6.3?

Thanks Martin
Gary Gregory
2018-10-16 14:30:29 UTC
Yes, I would like to but as we are all volunteers here, it is more of a
matter of a PMC member wanting to take the time to do it...

In the meantime, you could confirm that the 6.3-SNAPSHOT works for you as

Post by Martin Muller
Hi developers.
We from www.alfresco.com<http://www.alfresco.com> are currently updating
from Java 8 to Java 11. We are relying strongly on JIBX for binding XML
files to Java objects. There was a problem with the BCEL lib which was
fixed in
and would be part of the 6.3 release.
Are there any plans for releasing 6.3?
Thanks Martin
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